Pokemon Chipicao Series 1

Pokemon Chipicao Series 1 – This is a series of 160 two-torn stickers. They were added to Chipicao-branded croissants. They depicted Pokemon from the First Generation (Kanto), such as Charmander, Bulbasaur, Articuno and Kabutops, as well as trainers known from the animated series.
1. Bulbasaur
2. Ivysaur
3. Venusaur
4. Charmander
5. Charmeleon
6. Charizard
9. Blastoise
10. Caterpie
11. Metapod
12. Butterfree
13. Weedle
14. Kakuna
15. Beedrill
16. Pidgey
17. Pidgeotto
18. Pidgeot
19. Rattata
20. Raticate
21. Spearow
22. Fearow
23. Ekans
24. Arbok
25. Pikachu
26. Raichu
27. Sandshrew
28. Sandslash
29. Nidoran F
30. Nidorina
31. Nidoqueend
32. Nidoran M
33. Nidorino
34. Nidoking
35. Clefairy
36. Clefable
37. Vulpix
38. Ninetales (Ninetails)
39. Jigglypuff
40. Wigglytuff
41. Zubat
42. Golbat
43. Oddish
44. Gloom
45. Vileplume
46. Paras
47. Parasect
48. Venonat
49. Venomoth
50. Diglet
51. Dugtrio
52. Meowth
53. Persian
54. Psyduck
55. Golduck
56. Mankey
58. Growlithe
59. Arcanine
60. Poliwag
61. Poliwhirl
62. Poliwrath
63. Abra
64. Kadabra
65. Alakazam
66. Machop
67. Machoke
68. Machamp
69. Bellsprout
70. Weepinbell
71. Victreebel
72. Tentacool
73. Tentacruel
74. Geodude
75. Graveler
76. Golem
77. Ponyta
78. Rapidash
79. Slowpoke
80. Slowbro
81. Magnemite
82. Magneton
83. Farfetch'd
84. Doduo
85. Dodrio
86. Seel
87. Dewgong
88. Grimer
89. Muk
90. Shellder
91. Cloyster
92. Gastly
93. Haunter
94. Gengar
95. Onix
96. Drowzee
97. Hypno
98 Krabby
99. Kingler
100. Voltorb
101. Electrode
102. Exeggcute
103. Exeggutor
104. Cubone
105. Marowak
106. Hitmonlee
107. Hitmonchan
108. Lickitung
109. Koffing
110. Weezing
111. Rhyhorn
112. Rhydon
113. Chansey
114. Tangela
115. Kangaskhan
116. Horsea
117. Seadra
118. Goldeen
119. Seaking
120. Staryu
121. Starmie
122. Mr. Mime
123. Scyther
124. Jynx
125. Electabuzz
126. Magmar
127. Pinsir
128. Tauros
129. Magikarp
130. Gyarados
131. Lapras
132. Ditto
133. Eevee
134. Vaporeon
135. Jolteon
136. Flareon
137. Porygon
138. Omanyte
139. Omastar
140. Kabuto
141. Kabutops
142. Aerodactyl
143. Snorlax
144. Articuno
145. Zapdos
146. Moltres
147. Dratini
148. Dragonair
149. Dragonite
150. Mewtwo
151. Mew
Prof. Oak
Chipita album, was used to paste Pokemon stickers. When one completed the entire collection, one could send the completed album to the manufacturer’s address and receive a special prize, which was a set of stamps. Once the lucky cards were found, one could win prizes such as a Nintendo 64 Pikachu Edition, Pokemon Power Bouncers, Gameboy Color or Pokedex by Tiger. Each Pokemon was described in the album with a short annotation. Unfortunately, the album contains quite a few errors in its descriptions. A list of all the information contained in the Chipicao album:
Bulbasaur – At birth, a strange seed was planted on its back. The plant develops and grows with this Pokemon.
Ivysaur – When the bulge on its back reaches enormous size, it seems to lose the ability to stand on its hind legs.
Venusaur – Under the influence of solar energy, the plant flourishes. This Pokemon constantly follows the sunlight.
Charmander – It definitely prefers hot places. Reportedly, when it rains, steam comes out of the end of its tail.
Charmeleon – When he waves his flaming tail, the temperature rises to unbearably high levels.
Charizard – Spits fire so hot that it melts boulders. He is known for inadvertently setting forests on fire.
Squirtle – At birth, its back swells and hardens to form a shell. It is capable of spraying foam from its mouth with great power.
Wartortle – Often hides in the water to sneak up on prey. When swimming fast, it moves its ears to maintain balance.
Blastoise – Brutal Pokemon with jet jets on its shell. These serve its purpose of grabbing enemies at high speed.
Caterpie – Its short feet are equipped with suction cups that allow it to climb up slopes and walls with ease.
Metapod – This Pokemon is prone to attack, while its shell is soft and reveals its weak and delicate body.
Butterfree – It flaps its wings quickly in battle, spreading highly poisonous dust in the air.
Weedle – Often found in forests, it feeds on leaves. It has sharp and venomous stingers on its head.
Kakuna – Almost unable to move, this Pokemon can only make its shell harder to protect itself from predators.
Beedrill – Flies with great speed and attacks using large, venomous stingers located on its front paws and tail.
Pidgey – Commonly found in forests and groves. It flutters its wings near the ground to raise blinding sand.
Pidgeotto – Very concerned with its territory. This Pokemon fiercely pecks at any intruder.
Pidgeot – When it hunts, it swoops over water at high speed, pulling out unsuspecting prey such as Magikarp.
Rattata – Bites everything when it attacks. Small and very fast, it is found in many places.
Raticate – Uses its feelers to keep its balance. Slows down considerably when they are cut off.Spearow – Feeds on bugs in grassy areas. Spearow has to flap its small wings very quickly to stay in the air.
Fearow – With its large, magnificent wings, it can stay in the air without having to land for a rest.
Ekans – Moves silently and imperceptibly. It eats birds such as pidgey and spearow.
Arbok -There are rumors that its flashy warning coloration on its abdomen varies depending on where it is found.
Pikachu – When several of these Pokemon are collected, their electricity can increase and cause thunderstorms.
Raichu – Its long tail serves as a grounding and protection from its own electricity.
Sandshrew – Nests deep underground in dry places. It only comes to the surface to hunt.
Sandslash – In the face of danger it curls up into a spiky ball, In this state it can attack or flee.
Nidoran -Despite its small size, this Pokemon is quite dangerous due to its poisoned spikes. The female has smaller horns.
Nidorin – The female’s horn grows slowly. It prefers to attack in close quarters, such as scratching and biting.
Nidoqueen – Its hard scales provide it with strong protection. It uses its bulk to deliver powerful blows.
Nidoran – To sense danger, it sets its ears. The larger its horns, the more poisonous its hidden venom.
Nidorino – An aggressive Pokemon that attacks with lightning speed. The horn on its head contains powerful venom.
Nidoking – Uses its powerful tail in battle to strike, strangle, then break its victim’s bones.
Clefairy – Its magical and pleasant appearance has found numerous admirers. It is rare and found only in certain areas.
Clefable – A rarely seen fairy Pokemon. It flees into hiding when it senses the presence of humans.
Vulpix – Has only one tail at birth. As it ages, it splits from the end.
Ninetales – Very agile and vengeful. Catching him with one of his nine tails can change the consequences in the form of a 1000-year curse.Drowzee – He puts opponents to sleep and devours their dreams. Sometimes has indigestion due to nightmares.
Hypno – When he drags his enemy’s gaze, he uses a combination of PSI moves such as Hypnosis or Confusion.
Crabby – His pincers are not just a weapon, he also uses them to keep his balance while walking sideways.
Kingler – A large pair of pincers has 10000hp of punching power. However, their large size makes using them unwieldy.
Voltorb – Mostly found in power plants. Easily mistaken for a pokeball. It has already electrocuted many people.
Electrode – Stores electrical energy within itself. Explodes for no reason or just a little provoked.
Exeggcute – They are often mistaken for eggs. When disturbed they gather and attack.
Exeggutor – Legend has it that on rare occasions one of its heads falls off and continues to exist as an exeggcute.
Cubone – No one has yet seen his face, as he does not remove his helmet.
Marowak – The bone he holds is his main weapon. He throws it skillfully, like a boomerang to knock out his victim.
Hitmonlee – When he is in a hurry, his legs lengthen. He runs with super-long strides.
Hitmonchan – Seemingly idle, but deals blows so fast that it is impossible to see.
Lickitung – His tongue stretches like a chameleon. When it licks an enemy, it causes an itching sensation.
Koffing – It stores several types of poisonous gases in its body and therefore often explodes without warning.
Weezing – Where two types of gases meet, two koffing’s can fuse together for many years, forming a weezing.
Rhyhorn – Its bones are so massive and a thousand times harder than human bones that it can easily throw a caravan into the air.Rhydon – Protected by a skin like armor, it can live in liquid lava at 1,600 degrees.
Chansey – This Pokemon is rare and elusive. It is said to bring good luck to those who manage to get it.
Tangela – Its entire body is wrapped in vines, similar to seaweed. When he walks, he shakes them.
Kangaskhan – Before the age of three, cubs rarely leave their mother’s pocket.
Horsea – Known for knocking down flying insects with streams of ink from the surface of the water.
Seadra – Able to swim backwards, rapidly flapping its wing-like pectoral fins and powerful tail.
Goldeen – Its tail fin puffs out like an elegant ball gown, giving rise to its nickname Queen of the Waters.
Seaking – They swim up rivers and streams during the autumn spawning season.
Staryu – An enigmatic Pokemon, it can effortlessly regenerate any limb lost in battle.
Starmie – Its central core shimmers with the seven colors of the rainbow. Some people value this core as a gem.
Mime – If disturbed while he plays mime, he attacks by beating his opponent with his broad hands.
Scyther – Agile and quick as a ninja, he can make it seem like there is more than one.
Jynx -Walks, swaying her hips seductively. He can make people dance along with him.
Electabuzz – Although usually found near power plants, they can wander and cause major power drops in cities.
Magmar – His body always glows orange, so he can hide effectively among the flames.
Pinsir – If he fails to crush his prey with his pincers, he hurls it heavily against the ground.
Tauros – When it takes an enemy as a target, it charges furiously, while flogging the enemy’s body with its long tails.
Magikarp – In the distant past, he was slightly stronger than his present-day, extremely weak descendants.
Gyarados – Rarely found in the wild. Huge and acrimonious, when it gets into a rage it is capable of destroying entire cities.
Lapras – Pokemon almost completely exterminated by hunters. It can serve as a shuttle and ferry many people across the water at once.
Ditto – Can copy an opponent’s genetic code and instantly transform into a duplicate.
Eevee – Has an irregular genetic code. Can mutate if subjected to elemental stone radiation.
Vaporeon – Takes up residence near water. Its long tail is topped with a fin due to which it is often mistaken for a mermaid.
Jolteon – Accumulates anions in the atmosphere to throw lightning bolts of 10,000 volts.
Flareon – When it stores heat energy within itself, its temperature can rise to over 1,600 degrees.
Porygon – Pokemon composed entirely of computer code. It can move unhindered in cyberspace.
Omanyte – Although it became extinct long ago, in rare cases it can be resurrected using fossils.
Omastar – Prehistoric Pokemon. It became extinct as a species when its heavy shell prevented it from grabbing prey.
Kabuto – Pokemon resurrected from a fossil found where the ocean floor was eons ago.
Kabutops – Its streamlined shape makes it a great swimmer. It rips its prey apart with its claws and sucks out vital fluids.
Aerodactyl – A menacing prehistoric Pokemon. It attacks its opponent’s throat with serrated, sawblade-like fangs.
Snorlax – A dreadful lazy person. Would only eat and sleep. As he gains weight, he becomes more voracious.
Articuno – Legendary Pokemon – a bird that is said to appear to doomed humans lost among ice-covered mountains.
Zapdos – Legendary Pokemon – a bird that is said to emerge from the clouds while hurling huge lightning bolts.
Moltres – Known as the legendary heat-bird. Each flap of its wings causes an explosion of flames.
Dratini – Until recently considered a myth, until a small colony of these creatures was discovered living underwater.
Dragonair – A mythical Pokemon, spreading a gentle aura. It can influence climatic conditions.
Dragonite – An extremely rarely observed sea Pokemon. It is said to match humans in intelligence.
Mewtwo – Created by scientists after years of horrible gene-splicing and DNA manipulation experiments.
Mew – A legendary Pokemon image, it is a unique reflection of a creature that few humans can see, on the globe.
- 1. Bulbasaur
- 2. Ivysaur
- 3. Venusaur
- 4. Charmander
- 5. Charmeleon
- 6. Charizard
- 7. Squirtle
- 8. Wartortle
- 9. Blastoise
- 10. Caterpie
- 11. Metapod
- 12. Butterfree
- 13. Weedle
- 14. Kakuna
- 15. Beedrill
- 16. Pidgey
- 17. Pidgeotto
- 18. Pidgeot
- 19. Rattata
- 20. Raticate
- 21. Spearow
- 22. Fearow
- 23. Ekans
- 24. Arbok
- 25. Pikachu
- 26. Raichu
- 27. Sandshrew
- 28. Sandslash
- 29. Nidoran F
- 30. Nidorina
- 31. Nidoqueen
- 32. Nidoran M
- 33. Nidorino
- 34. Nidoking
- 35. Clefairy
- 36. Cleffable
- 37. Vulpix
- 38. Ninetales
- 39. Jigglypuff
- 40. Wigglytuff
- 41. Zubat
- 42. Golbat
- 43. Oddish
- 44. Gloom
- 45. Vileplume
- 46. Paras
- 47. Parasect
- 48. Venonat
- 49. Venomoth
- 50. Diglett
- 51. Dugtrio
- 52. Meowth
- 53. Persian
- 54. Psyduck
- 55. Golduck
- 56. Primeape
- 57. Primeape
- 58. Growlithe
- 59. Arcanine
- 60. Poliwag
- 61. Poliwhirl
- 62. Poliwrath
- 63. Abra
- 64. Kadabra
- 65. Alakazam
- 66. Machop
- 67. Machoke
- 68. Machamp
- 69. Bellsprout
- 70. Weepinbell
- 71. Victreebel
- 72. Tentacool
- 73. Tentacruel
- 74. Geodude
- 75. Graveler
- 76. Golem
- 77. Ponyta
- 78. Rapidash
- 79. Slowpoke
- 80. Slowbro
- 81. Magnemite
- 82. Magneton
- 83. Farfetch'd
- 84. Doduo
- 85. Dodrio
- 86. Seel
- 87. Dewgong
- 88. Grimer
- 89. Muk
- 90. Shellder
- 91. Cloyster
- 92. Gastly
- 93. Haunter
- 94. Gengar
- 95. Onix
- 96. Drowzee
- 97. Hypno
- 98. Krabby
- 99. Kingler
- 100. Voltorb
- 101. Electrode
- 103. Exeggcute
- 104. Exeggcutor
- 104. Cubone
- 105. Marowak
- 106. Hitmonlee
- 107. Hitmonchan
- 108. Lickitung
- 109. Koffing
- 110. Weezing
- 111. Rhyhorn
- 112. Rhydon
- 113. Chansey
- 114. Tangela
- 115. Kangaskhan
- 116. Horsea
- 117. Seadra
- 118. Goldeen
- 119. Seaking
- 120. Staryu
- 121. Starmie
- 122. Mr. Mime
- 123. Scyther
- 124. Jynx
- 125. Electabuzz
- 126. Magmar
- 127. Pinsir
- 128. Tauros
- 129. Magikarp
- 130. Gyarados
- 131. Lapras
- 132. Ditto
- 133. Eevee
- 134. Vaporeon
- 135. Jolteon
- 136. Flareon
- 137. Porygon
- 138. Omanyte
- 139. Omastar
- 140. Kabuto
- 141. Kabutops
- 142. Aerodactyl
- 143. Snorlax
- 144. Articuno
- 145. Zapdos
- 146. Moltres
- 147. Dratini
- 148. Dragonair
- 149. Dragonite
- 150. Mewtwo
- 151. Mew
- Ash
- Brock
- Gary
- James
- Jenny
- Jessie
- Joy
- Misty
- Prof. Oak