Cheetos Pokemon Advanced - Metal Tazos 1-50

Pokemon Advanced Metal Tazos caps – Series of 50 discs added to Cheetos chips. They depicted Pokemon from the 3rd generation (Hoenn region). Each tazo was labeled with the type of the Pokemon in question, and its attack, on the other side was its evolution and its attack. The numbering of this collection begins with the number 1 and ends with 50, with the following series continuing this numbering.
1. Trecko / Grovyle
2. Grovyle / Sceptile
3. Torchic / Combusken
4. Combusken / Blaziken
5. Mudkip / Marshtomp
6. Marshtomp / Swampert
7. Poochneya / Mightyena
8. Zigzagoon / Linoone
9. Wurmple / Slicoon
10. Slicoon / Beautifly
11. Lotad / Lombre
12. Taillow / Swellow
13. Wingull / Pelipper
14. Kirlia / Gradevoir
15.Vigoroth / Slaking
16. Ninjask / Shedinja
17. Whismur / Loudred
18. Loudred / Exploud
19. Makuhita / Hariyama
20. Marill / Azumaril
21. Skitty / Delcatty
22. Mawile
23. Lairon / Aggron
24. Plusle / Minum
25. Volbeat
26. Gulpin / Swalot
27. Spoink / Grumpig
28. Spinda
29. Trapinch / Vibrava
30. Vibrava / Flygon
31. Cacnea / Cacturne
32. Swablu / Altaria
33. Seviper
34. Baltoy / Claydol
35. Lileep / Cradily
36. Anorith / Armaldo
37. Shuppet / Banette
38. Absol
39. Pichu / Pikachu
40. Pikachu / Raichu
41. Wynaut / Wobbuffet
42. Snorunt / Glalie
43. Sealeo / Walerin
44. Clamperl / Huntail
45. Huntail / Gorebyss
46. Luvdisc
47. Shelgon / Salamance
48. Latios & Latias
49. Kyogre
50. Groudon
Catch TAZOS!
To play the game you need:
Two or more players, but you can also play alone
MAGNET BALL – a ball with a magnet
A piece of paper and a pen
Rules of the game:
Each player gives at least 5 TAZOs to play with.
The more TAZOs, the more interesting the game
Arrange the TAZOs on the table or floor
The first player chooses the TAZO he wants to catch from the floor
From a distance of about 30 cm, he lets go of the ball from above, so that the selected TAZO sticks to it
The ball with the stuck TAZO has to be caught back
If you caught the previously selected TAZO, you get 10 points.
If you caught another TAZO, you get 5 points.
The turn passes to the next player
The winner is the one who collects the most points. The winner can draw 1 TAZO from each player’s pool as a prize.
100 points
To play the game you need:
Minimum 2 players
MAGNET BALL – A ball with a magnet
A piece of paper and a pen
Rules of the game:
Each player gives at least 5 TAZOs to play with.
The more TAZOs, the more interesting the game
Arrange the TAZOs on the table or floor
Determine the order
The player rolls the MAGNET BALL in the direction of the tossed TAZOs so that as many as possible are stuck to the ball
Count the points from the TAZOS that stuck to the ball
The number of points depends on the type of Pokemon or Character
You count the characters according to the table
The turn passes to the next player
The winner is the one who collects 100 points first. You can arrange that the winner draws 1 TAZO from each player’s pool as a prize.
To play the game you need:
At least two players
Rules of the game:
Each player gives at least 5 TAZOs to play with.
The more TAZOs, the more interesting the game.
At the beginning of each turn, players draw 1 TAZO each, with which they will smash the tower
The first player throws the drawn TAZO at the tower, so as to smash it
He checks which TAZOs have fallen over to the other side
In the table, he reads which Pokémon he defeated
The player keeps the won TAZOs for himself
From the remaining TAZO he builds a tower for the next player
The player who collects the last TAZO from the tower first wins. You can arrange that the winner draws 1 TAZO from each player’s pool as a prize.