All Brock Pokémon - Pokémon caught in the series
Brock has accompanied Ash since the beginning episodes of the series. They traveled together through regions such as Kanto, Johto, Hoenn and Sinnoh. Several times he has separated from Ash to try his hand as a breeder or Pokemon doctor. Brock’s Pokemon usually only support the main character of the series.
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ToggleWho is Brock from the Pokemon series?
We meet Brock when he is the leader of the Maarmoria (Pewter City) hall. His job is to test young trainers, those who defeat him are awarded the Boulder Badge. When Ash challenges him to a duel he is brutally vetted, his inexperience and lack of skill causes him to lose the first clash with the hall leader.
We get to know him as a responsible person, he took care of his nine siblings while his parents left home over the years. Eventually j after his defeat at the hands of Ash, his father Flint returns to take care of the family. This allows Brock to set off into the world following his dream of becoming the best Pokemon breeder.
All of Brock’s Pokemon

Onix / Steelix
Onix is his first Pokemon, in one episode he reveals that it was a tenth birthday gift he received from his father Flint. Onix is huge and impressive by its sheer size, unfortunately in the series he uses it rarely and it usually does not play a significant role. In the Ruby & Sapphire series, Onix undergoes a transformation into a powerful Steelix after the guidance of Forrest (Brock’s brother).

His second Pokemon. Like most of his team, he didn’t get much airtime.Usually used when Onix was impossible to call due to its size. Unfortunately, he usually lost most fights. Along with Steelixeem and Crobat, he was given to Forest, who replaced his older brother, as a hall leader.

Zubat / Golbat / Crobat
The first wildly captured creature in the series. Its capture was not shown in the series, only after its use Brock tells that he captured it after leaving the Mt. Moon cave. He mainly serves as a scout in the team, taking part at least in the search for the lost Ditto. He is the last creature left in the Pewter City gym.

Vulpix was given to Brock by Suzie in the first season. Despite the possibility, he decides not to use the fire evolution stone (Fire Stone) to transform him into Ninetales. He does not take part in battles very often. Already in the second season it is returned to its owner during a beauty contest.

Pineco / Forretress
The only Pokemon caught in Johto by Brock. He also very rarely appeared on the battlefield. His temperament did not help, as he often used an explosion attack. When Brock exposes himself to save him, he evolves into a Forretress to rescue him. He became a permanent member of Brock’s team.

Lotad / Lombre / Ludicolo
Lotad initially resembled Psyduck Misty in character, he was not very bright. After transforming into Lombre, this began to change, he became more attentive. After transforming into Ludicolo, he became more sociable and friendly. He was momentarily left behind in the gym. It turned out that Brock’s parents took Ludicolo with them on vacation to carry their luggage.

Mudkip / Marshtomp
Mudkip befriends Brock and becomes his Pokemon in episode 25 of the Ruby and Sapphire series. He often appears at Lomre’s side to use water weapons between the two of them when necessary. Also, he spent some time in the Marmoria Gym, then returning to his trainer.

Bonsly / Sudowoodo
Bonsly zostaje znaleziony głodny w szkole Ninja. Młody hodowca karmi go i proponuje dołączenie do drużyny. Młodziutki Pokemon chce najpierw wykazać się w walce. Staje na przeciwko Forretressa. Po znokautowaniu w końcu udaje się go złapać. Po porwaniu przez zespół R ewoluuje w Sudowoodo zyskując znacznie na sile. Dojrzały Pokemon od czasu przemiany coraz częsciej pomaga swojemu trenerowi w różnych zadaniach.

The first Pokemon caught in the Sinnoh region. He often uses his Poison Jab punch to silence Brock when he flirts with women, which has become one of the comical elements of the series. Its calm and mysterious nature contrasts with its quick and decisive action in battle.

Happiny / Chansey / Blissey
Happiny hatched from an egg won by Brock in a Dress-Up contest in which Croagunk dressed up as Politoed. A calm and friendly creature, it transformed into Chansey to save endangered baby Pokémon. The transformation into Blissey was not shown on screen and we already see Brock’s fully evolved Pokemon.

Comfey was a gift from SIostra Joy. He helps Brock with the treatment of injured Pokémon. With the help of the Sweet Scent attack, he calms down the young Kangaskhan so that bandages can be applied and medicine can be administered. Comfey has only appeared in one episode of the series and is the only Pokemon Brock acquired when he wasn’t traveling with Ash.
Temporary Brock’s Pokemon
During his travels, the young trainer had various creatures under his temporary care. In a banned episode of the Pokemon series, he caught one of the Tauros belonging to Asha with a Safari Ball. Under his care were:
- Togepi – hatched from an egg he was caring for, but after hatching I will join Misty’s Pokémon.
- Hoothoot – was hired to walk safely through the haunted forest.
- Totodile – cared for when Ash and Misty couldn’t agree on which of them caught it.
- Ninetales – used during the fight with Team Rocket in the episode Just Waiting on a Friend.
- Shiftry – helped cure the ailing Nuzlef.
- Staravia / Torterra / Aipom – Asha’s Pokémon, were separated from their trainer during an attack by Graveler and Golem in the episode A Maze-ing Race!
- Onix / Feraligatr – used during a triathlon.
- Magnemite – trained on the first day at the summer academy.
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