Cloning Pokémon - what is the cloning process?
Pokemon cloning is an issue that relates to several issues. The theme is used in the first Pokemon movie. For older Pokemon games, cloning was called a method of duplicating a creature through bugs in the game code.
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TogglePokemon Movie One – Pokemon clones
Pokemon cloning is the theme of the first cinematic film telling the story of the pocket creatures. Mewtwo is a powerful psychic Pokemon bred from Mew’s DNA. He experiences an identity crisis and feels inferior to his original. His obsession with cloning drives him to the brink of insanity. Possessed with a desire for revenge, he invites selected trainers to his island. After winning a battle with them, he kidnaps their Pokeballs in order to use a special machine to clone the kidnapped creatures.
When a great conflict arises between the clones and the originals, Mew appears. The fight drives many to extreme exhaustion, it seems that no one can win. When Mewtwo tries to defeat Mew at all costs, Ash steps in to stop them. Unfortunately, he had to pay the ultimate price. However, the young trainer is brought back to life by the tears of Pokémon. His dedication to all regardless of origin has not escaped Mewtwo’s notice.

Mewtwo understood that no one is inferior, regardless of their background. This also applies to the clones. He eventually leaves the island with his clones. He decides to erase the events from everyone’s memory.
Cloning Pokémon in the Silver and Gold games
Cloning creatures was a real phenomenon in the days of the Silver and Gold games. In addition to being able to clone the Pokémon itself, it also gave an additional item that we gave to it. This made it easy to stock up on second-generation disposable TMs and rare items such as Master Ball and Leftovers. Playing on a Game Boy portable console this trick was extremely useful, especially since devices like GameShark were not very popular.
To perform this trick we just need access to an in-game computer. Let’s go to the nearest Pokemon center and enter the system. We need to deposit the Pokemon we want to clone into a BOX that has free spaces, then we change the BOX to another, it must also have free spaces, this is extremely important, as there may be a situation where we simply lose our Pokemon. During the change, we must agree to save the game. when the word SAVING appears…. DON’T OFF THE POWER. we turn the game off immediately after the dot sign appears. After turning it back on, we will have Pokemon in the team as well as in the computer.

Duplicating creatures in the Crystal version
If we want to try to clone a Pokémon in Crystal and use the method described above to do so, we may be surprised. After following all the steps, we will not get our clone. The Crystal version may have disappointed many fans, as Lugia and Ho-oh were catchable in it without their unique attacks – Aerobalst and Sacred Fire. In addition, the English version of the game was truncated from the ability to catch the legendary Celebi. So the lack of cloning capabilities may have worried many fans.
Fortunately, it turns out that this problem was not serious and the method of cloning Pokemons also worked. At the time of saving the game, we had to wait longer than in previous versions. We had to sense the moment and learn to repeat it in the future. Unfortunately, this also had its downside. It was much easier to create a so-called bad clone – that is, a bugged Pokémon. We could easily remove it and start the process all over again. Equally, it could be used for many tricks or glitches, but you had to reckon with the consequences they could cause.
Cloned creatures in other games
It was possible to cloning Pokemons in many generations of games. In the case of the first, it was possible by replacing Link Cable. Although this was not a widely known method. In newer versions, copying creatures has become quite common due to access to the network and devices for modifying the contents of cartridges.
In the mobile game Pokemon Go – Clones of creatures known from the first film returned and were available to catch. To get one of them it was enough to beat the corresponding Raid. They were held on the day of the release of Pokémon: the First Movie.
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