
Pikaclones - the history of electric rodents

In the case of Pikaclones, we are not talking about literal Pikachu clones. This is more of a family of electric Pokémon appearing in new generations of pocket creatures. Pikaclones is a rather narrow term and refers only to electric-type Pokémon.

All Pikaclones:

plusle i minum

Plusle and Minum

Plusle and Minum made their debut in the third generation. Their design was very similar to Pikachu. Plusle has a yellow-red color scheme and a plus sign on his red cheeks, symbolizing positive charge. Minun, on the other hand, is its twin, with a blue-yellow color scheme and a minus sign on its cheeks, which symbolizes a negative charge. They have a very gentle disposition and are often found together.



Pachirisu is an adorable, squirrel-like electric-type Pokémon that is known for its energetic nature and bright blue and white fur. Its fluffy tail is almost larger than its body, often raised upwards, giving it a particularly cheerful appearance. Pachirisu uses its tail to store electrical charges, which it can release in the form of discharges when in danger. This Pokemon loves to play, pick berries and run around the forest, always full of life and enthusiasm.



Emolga is a small flying creature of the electric-flying type, resembling a flying squirrel. Its black and white fur is decorated with yellow accents, and its distinctive feature is its membranous wings, which allow it to glide long distances. He has yellow spots on his cheeks where he stores electricity, used both for defense and play. Emolga is energetic, clever and very curious, often stealing fruit from trees, using his gliding abilities to avoid danger.

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pikaclones dedenne


His orange-yellow fur and large, sparkling eyes give him a uniquely charming appearance. He has round black marks on his cheeks that act like electrical wires, storing and releasing energy. His long tail acts as an antenna, allowing him to receive electromagnetic waves, so he can communicate with others at a distance. Dedenne is gentle and sociable, often seen picking berries or looking for warm places to rest. He resembles a combination of Pikachu and Raichu.

togedemaru pikaclones


Togedemaru often stores electricity in his body which allows him to launch powerful electric attacks. He is known for his cheerful and friendly nature, but can be surprisingly persistent and stubborn. He loves to climb high places such as trees or electric poles to grab electrical charges. His round figure and cheerful disposition make him extremely charming.



Its fur has two twin patches – one is brown and the other is dark gray – which symbolizes its changing temperament. His characteristic feature is that he changes form depending on his hunger. In his basic form, Morpeko is friendly and cheerful, but when he becomes hungry, a darker version appears, taking on a more aggressive attitude. Morpeko is constantly generating electricity, which he stores in his cheeks, just like other Pikaclones, often using it in battle. He loves to eat and always carries a berry with him, nibbling on which helps keep him feeling good.


Pawmi / Pawmo / Pawmot

Pawmot is a fighting-electric Pokemon. Among the clones, Pikachu is the only representative with its own evolutionary line. It does not resemble a classic electric rodent, its stature takes on the appearance of a bear. Like the rest of the rodents, it stores electricity in special pouches on its cheeks.

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Additional forms of Pikachu as Pikaclones

Whether Pikaclones include additional forms of Pikachu is a matter of debate. However, it has lived to see additional forms over the years. In the second generation, Pichu debuted as a baby Pokemon. That is, a form that hatches from an egg. Also, the original transformation, Raichu, lived to see an additional form, associated with the new region of Alola. The last Pikaclones of the original Pikachu is its Gigantamax form, which acts like a Mega Evolution, that is, it is temporary.

Family of electric rodents – Summary

Electric Rodents, also known as Pikaclones, is an attempt to replicate Pikachu’s success by adding a cute little electric-type rodent in each generation. Of course, except for the original Pikachu, none of them gained the same fame as the original. Which still has a loyal following of fans and collectors today.

Kolekcjoner retro i miłośnik kart i gadżetów związanych z kultową serią Pokémonów. Zafascynowany nostalgią, gromadzę klasyczne konsole, stare edycje gier oraz karty kolekcjonerskie.

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