Pokemon Crystal Legacy – mod improving gameplay
The second generation of games introduced a huge amount of mechanics and improvements compared to the previous generation. However, you may have the impression that some aspects have deteriorated. The new rom hack for the game Pokemon Crystal tries to balance and correct these problems.
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ToggleList of changes made
- Dynamic leaders – During our journey around Johto, coaches marked with the numbers 5.6 and 7 can be defeated by us in any order. This means that they do not pose such a challenge because their team is always rigidly established. Now, depending on what badge we get first, the teams of other leaders will be properly strengthened.
- Optimization of leadership teams – a common complaint about the second generation is the lack of balance in gyms, and their teams, which often contain mainly Pokemon known from Kanto. One serious challenge faced by the player was Miltank Whitney, who was remembered by the community. In addition, there were no major challenges in the region. Improving this aspect will significantly improve the level of difficulty.
- Increasing the level of trainers – Many of the trainers in the stage called mid-game are no longer a major obstacle on our way. This situation changes only before Elite Four, who can challenge players who did not spend enough time training.
- Increased availability of Pokemon – During the initial stage of our adventure, we do not have access to the creatures characteristic of Johto. The availability of evolutionary objects was also very limited. First generation pokemons mainly evolved by increasing the level of experience, in the second generation items such as Metal Coat were added, but their availability was limited. Therefore, additional creatures were added on the initial roads. Including Houndour. Added fossils and GS Balla to the Ruins of Alpha. Now all the legendary Pokemons are possible to catch.
- Game-balancing fixes – Dark attacks have been changed – are now treated as Physical, and Ghost attacks as Special. Increased the availability of attacks for a large number of Pokemon, which significantly increases their usefulness. Pokemons without evolution, and those that did extremely badly in this generation, got a boost in statistics.
- Item changes – The flower shop has been selling different types of Beeries ever since. A pharmacy in Cianwood City sells evolution stones and ethers. Radio Tower Mahogany offers Upgrade and Metal Coat. In the cities of Mahogany, Blackthorn and Celadon, you can purchase various TM attacks.
- Rematch – After becoming a Johto League Champion, the player can face the hall leaders again.
- Kanto Pokemon League – The coaches in Kanto have been strengthened and now have 6 Pokemon. After defeating them, we have to face the Pokemon League known from Kanto instead of facing the coaches known from Johto again. This significantly increases the level of difficulty at the last stage of the game.
- The new coaches – at Trainer House we can face three new coaches – Craig, Smith and Weebra.
- Story changes – the Crystal Legacy rom hack improves the plot to a small extent. For example, the lack of legendary Pokemon known from Kanto is explained.
- General improvements – Added unique Sprity Pokemon, Running Shoes, enlarged backpack, split EXP early in the game, removing HM moves, gaining TM traffic now displays its name on the screen, the, after passing Tohjo Falls added a computer in the Elma lab, an icon marking the weather in the game, Brick Piece in the Goldenrod magazine (transforming Tyrogue into Hitmontopa), Odd Egg always has good DV values, the, improvements to the Hapinnes system – Pokemons evolve faster, the third tab on badges and other errors in the game have been improved.
Things that have remained unchanged in Pokemon Crystal Legacy
- There are no separate attacks of a given type on Physical/Special
- All Pokemons have their original types
- No new creatures added
- No new characters added
- Bonuses from badges remained the same
- Artificial intelligence of opponents
- TM attacks are still one-off, but the possibility of buying them has been increased
- Most random meetings remained unchanged
- The main plot line is unchanged (except for small, not affecting the whole, changes)
Where to Download Pokemon Crystal Legacy?
Pokemon Crystal legacy can be downloaded from the website Romhacking.
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