Weakest Pokemon – check the list of the weakest Pokemon
Among the hundreds of Pokemon, many of them are fighting for the title of the strongest Pokemon. The power of creatures often determines their popularity among fans. But what about the weakest ones? Is the weakest Pokemon really useful for anything? These and other questions will be answered in our article.
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ToggleTop 10 Weakest Pokemon

10. Shedinja
Shedinja is a very interesting Pokemon. Unfortunately, it is treated more as a curiosity than a real strengthening of the team. What is its uniqueness? Shedinja has only one health point. That’s why any attack will always knock him out. Of course, the Wonder Guard skill comes to his aid.
Thanks to this, it is resistant to any damage from attacks that are not supper effective. With its Bug/Ghost type, it only makes it vulnerable to Dark, Fire, Rock, Ghost and Flying blows.
With the right Shedinji setting, you can really achieve interesting combinations by giving him items such as Safety Googles or Focus Sash. However, this is not a safe strategy in any way, because most players know how to deal with this Pokemon.

9. Wobbuffet
Wobuffett is mainly known from the animated series as one of the Pokemon of Team R. the relationship with Jessie is similar to that of Misty with Psyduck. This funny creature has its moments but usually gets spanked by heroes.
Unfortunately, the situation is similar in games. Wobuffett is unable to inflict any damage on his own. It is based on countering. He has good defensive statistics but unfortunately he lacks health to stand on the battlefield long enough. Therefore, many strong creatures can send him to Pokeball with one attack before he can respond properly. These minuses make Wobuffett on the list of the weakest Pokemon.

8. Wishiwashi
Wishiwashi is an example of a creature that is weak but has much stronger forms. Before evolution, however, it is very useless. Its statistics are at a fairly low level, which, with high competition among water Pokemon, makes it practically unsuitable for any form of combat before the transformation.
Wishiwashi is able to know good attacks, but despite this they will not inflict large injuries due to low parameters.

7. Abra
The first generation of Pokemon is a real dominance of the Psychic type. Abra made her television debut as an opponent with whom Pikachu had no chance and Ash had to ask Gastley for help. Eventually, he manages to defeat Abra, but this is the only time when she had the opportunity to show herself as a valuable opponent.
Wild Abra in the first generation could only know the Teleport movement, which was useful outside the fight, but during the duel he made him run away. Until the moment of transformation in Kadabre does not present much utility in the team.

6. Feebas
Another on the list of the weakest Pokemon is a representative of the species, which is gaining strength after evolution. Unfortunately, its transformation is more difficult than just punching in a certain level of experience.
Feebas’s statistics are very low, only his speed is at a satisfactory level, unfortunately he does not have access to strong movements, which further complicates his situation. Until his evolution in Milotica, it is better not to expose him to the battlefield, because he will not stay on it for a long time.

5. Smeargle
Smeargle really has only one advantage, its unique Sketch movement. Thanks to this, he is able to learn permanently every move in the game. Even those reserved for specific Pokemons e.g. Aeroblast. Thanks to this skill, it can serve as an ideal help when catching. He can learn Spore, False Swipe or Mean Look, which gives an extremely strong synergy.
Unfortunately, even when learning the strongest moves, Smeargle is unlikely to live long enough to use them in battle. If it had received evolution in the future, its usefulness may increase, but currently it does not promise to be.

4. Ditto
Ditto is a jelly-like Pokemon. His ability is to turn into an opponent. Unfortunately, in the first generations he had to use the Transform movement to change, which caused the loss of one move and exposed him to free damage in advance. It is now his skill and it changes automatically.
Unfortunately, like the rest of the creatures on the list, it does not have much to offer in combat. However, it is irreplaceable in the reproduction of Pokemon. He is a regular resident of every Day Care Center.

3. Magikarp
This fish knows every fan of pocket creatures. Gyarados is an extremely powerful Pokemon and is extremely popular. Magikarp is completely different. It has only a Spash attack, it does not deal any damage and all it does is lose the turn . It has become so iconic that a special Z Move Making Z-Spash has been introduced whose usability is already incomparably greater than its predecessor.
Its advantage is that for its evolution we only need level 20, also we are to have a powerful Gyaradosa quite quickly which can significantly strengthen our team.

2. Unown
Pokemon alphabet, after catching all the letters in the second generation, we were given the opportunity to write and print our messages through a special accessory for the Game Boy. Unfortunately, Unknown as a psychic type is practically without any sensible use in battle, knows only one attack – Hidden Power it is not bad, but combined with poor statistics, it’s gonna be hard to knock anyone out.
This pokemon plays a significant role in the film or some episodes of anime, but these are the only moments in which Unknowns are useful for anything.

1. Luvdisc
Luvdisc becomes our king of the juxtaposition of the weakest creatures. It has virtually no pluses that would make it any useful. It is certainly the result of a child-friendly design. Its low statistics and lack of access to stronger movements results in the fact that it is difficult to inflict any wounds on the opponent. He plays the role of a mascot rather than a warrior.
Many people saw Alomomola as its expected evolution, but these Pokemons are not in one evolutionary line.
The Weakest Pokemons – Summary
Our list is subjective. Each Pokemon, regardless of its statistics, can be used successfully in combat and the choice of the weakest is rather impossible, because there are no unambiguous criteria by which we could really choose the worst one. Some of the Pokemon deliberately have such a design, e.g. Magicarp. Therefore, the weakest Pokemon are usually defined as the basic forms of evolution.
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